The Glass Menagerie 1966

The Glass Menagerie in 1966 on tour. John's old vehicle the Blue Magoo!
That's the tail end of Jim's Chevy. 55 think. I simply can not pose for a picture. It feels so unnatural. At least I got out of that black vest, but why I am wearing a bandana and hat I haven't a clue. Maybe I was goofing on something that happened when we stopped at a fast food burger joint late at night. Nobody else was around and the guy behind the counter thought we looked so scruffy we were going to rob him and the called the cops. Of course nothing happened as we were just hungry and not robbers. Jack was the real rock star even then. He knew how to play it and dressed the part in concert. After this picture was taken we were on our way to play that night in some club. This might be Janesville Wisconsin where we met up with Ken Adamany.
Jim bleached his hair blonde for the tour and was wearing chains around his neck, as many people, male and female did. I think he was starting to get into the hippy freedom movement and enjoy himself after years of discipline in the army. Left to right: John, Jack, Jim, Larry, Norris.

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